Acumen Scientific
Infrared Physics, Technology & Applications
MODIS spectral response anomaly when using a double monochromator operating in the subtractive mode
Neil J. Therrien, James B. Young, Raytheon Systems Co. (United States) Published in Proceedings Volume 3439: Earth Observing Systems III
October 1998
Performance characterization of the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) engineering model
Thomas S. Pagano, James B. Young, Neil J. Therrien, Hughes Aircraft Co. (United States) Published in Proceedings Volume 2583: Advanced and Next-Generation Satellites
December 1995
MODIS system integration and test achievements
Duane M. Bates, Thomas L. Koch, Gordon S. Plews, Neil J. Therrien, Hughes Aircraft Co. (United States) Published in Proceedings Volume 2820: Earth Observing System
November 1996
High-performance large format impurity band conductor focal plane arrays for astronomy applications
Robert Mills, John Edwards, Eric Beuville, Andrew Toth, Elizabeth Corrales, Neil Therrien, Jeff Kissel, Raytheon Co. (United States); Gert Finger, European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (Germany) Published in Proceedings Volume 7780: Detectors and Imaging Devices
August 2010
VIS/SWIR focal plane and detector development at Raytheon: instruments performance data and future developments at Raytheon
Jonathan Getty, Ellie Hadjiyska, David Acton, Sean Harris, Brian Starr, Alan Levy, Justin Wehner, Scott Taylor, and Alan Hoffman
Proc. SPIE 6660, 66600C (2007)
Can infrared scene projectors reduce total system costs?
Robert Ginn, Steven Solomon
Proc. SPIE 6207 (2006)
Large Infrared and Visible Arrays for Low Background Applications: An Overview of Current Developments at Raytheon
Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Elizabeth Corrales, Roger Holcombe
Proc. SPIE, vol. 6276 (2006)
2K x 2K NIR HgCdTe Detector Arrays for VISTA and Other Applications
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, Ken J. Ando, Elizabeth Corrales, William D. Ritchie, Neil J. Therrien, Joe P. Rosbeck, Roger S. Holcombe, Scientific Detectors for Astronomy (2005)
1024 x 1024 Si:As IBC detector arrays for JWST MIRI
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, Nancy A. Lum, Ken J. Ando, Joe Rosbeck, William D. Ritchie, Neil J. Therrien, Roger S. Holcombe, Elizabeth Corrales Proc. SPIE 5902, 590209 (2005)
1024 x 1024 Si:As IBC Detector Arrays for Mid-IR Astronomy
Alan Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Elizabeth Corrales, Nancy A. Lum
Scientific Detectors for Astronomy (2005)
1Kx1K Si:As IBC detector arrays for JWST MIRI and other applications
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, Nancy A. Lum, Ken J. Ando, William D. Ritchie, Neil J. Therrien, Andrew G. Toth, and Roger S. Holcombe
Proc. SPIE 5499, 86 (2004)
2Kx2K HgCdTe detector arrays for VISTA and other applications
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, Ken J. Ando, Elizabeth Corrales, William D. Ritchie, Neil J. Therrien, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Roger S. Holcombe, David J. Gulbransen
Proc. SPIE 5499, 68 (2004)
100mm InSb Wafer Development at RVS
Robert Ginn, Margo Olaymi, Grant Fines
2004 Military Sensing Symposium, Material Conference
The Falcon Talon LWIR Dispersive Spectrometer
J.V. Bixler, et al., UCRL-CONF-203289, MSSP National Symposium, Tucson , AZ (2004)
2Kx2K InSb for astronomy
Alan W. Hoffman, Elizabeth Corrales, Peter J. Love, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Michael Merrill, Albert Fowler, Craig McMurtry
Proc. SPIE 5499, 59 (2004)
FPAs for Advanced Dispersive and FTS Sounder Applications
K.J. Ando, P.J. Love, A.S. Gilmore, B. Starr, A. Gin, A. Hoffman
SPIE (2004)
Large-format 0.85- and 2.5-mu m HgCdTe detector arrays for low-background applications
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, David J. Gulbransen, Mark P. Murray, Ken J. Ando, Neil J. Therrien, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Roger S. Holcombe
Proc. SPIE 5167, 134 (2004)
Large infrared and visible arrays for low-background applications: an overview of current developments at Raytheon
Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Ken J. Ando, Elizabeth Corrales
Proc. SPIE 5499, 240 (2004)
Megapixel detector arrays: visible to 28 mu m
Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Joseph P. Rosbeck
Proc. SPIE 5167, 194 (2004)
Mosaic Packaging for Large-Format Infrared Devices
R.S. Holcombe, A.W. Hoffman, P.J. Love, Optical
Infrared Detectors for Astronomy
Proc. SPIE, vol. 5499 (2004)
Development of 2k x 2k FPA InSb modules for the NGST mission
Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Ken J. Ando, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Nancy A. Lum, Roger Holcombe, John M. Durkee, and Craig W. McMurtry
Proc. SPIE 4850, 836 (2003)
Development of Si:As impurity band conduction (IBC) detectors for mid-infrared applications
Ken J. Ando, Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Andrew Toth, Conrad Anderson, George Chapman, Craig R. McCreight, Kimberly A. Ennico, Mark E. McKelvey, Robert E. McMurray, Jr.
Proc. SPIE 5074, 648 (2003)
Large-Format 0.85 – 2.5 Micron HgCdTe Detector Arrays for Low-Background Applications
Peter J. Love, Alan W. Hoffman, David J. Gulbransen, Mark P. Murray, Ken J. Ando, Neil J. Therrien, Joe P. Rosbeck, Roger S. Holcombe
Focal Plane Arrays for Space Telescopes
Proc. SPIE, vol. 5167 (2003)
Large Format Si:As IBC Array Performance for NGST and Future IR Space Telescope Applications
Kimberly A. Ennico, Mark E. McKelvey, Craig R. McCreight, Robert E. McMurray, Jr., Roy Johnson, Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Nancy A. Lum, Proc. SPIE 4850, 890 (2003)
Megapixel and larger readouts and FPAs for visible and infrared astronomy
David J. Gulbransen, Peter J. Love, Mark P. Murray, Nancy A. Lum, Christopher L. Fletcher, Elizabeth Corrales, Robert E. Mills, Alan W. Hoffman, Ken J. Ando
Proc. SPIE 4841, 770 (2003)
Mega-Pixel Detector Arrays: Visible to 28 µm
Alan W. Hoffman, Peter J. Love, Joe P. Rosbeck
Focal Plane Arrays for Space Telescopes
Proc. SPIE, vol. 5167 (2003)
Overview of Astronomy Arrays at Raytheon Infrared Operations (RIO)
Ken J. Ando, Peter J. Love, Nancy A. Lum, David J. Gulbransen, Alan W. Hoffman, Elizabeth Corrales, Robert E. Mills, Mark E. Murray
Scientific Detectors for Astronomy (2002)
Large-format infrared arrays for future space and ground-based astronomy applications
Peter J. Love, Ken J. Ando, Richard E. Bornfreund, Elizabeth Corrales, Robert E. Mills, Jerry R. Cripe, Nancy A. Lum, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Michael S. Smith, Alan W. Hoffman
Proc. SPIE 4486, 373 (2002)
Infrared absorption behavior in CdZnTe substrates
S. Sens, D.R. Rhiger, C.R. Curtis, M.H. Kalisher, R.P. Ginn
Journal of Electronic Materials June (2001)
A Novel SCA Design for Use in Ultra-Low Noise, Hight Gain Scanning or Staring Systems
B.J. Chen, D.J. Gulbranese, W.C. Trautfield, L.P. Chen, E.M. Herrin, J.L. Vampola, R.H. Wyles, R.P. Ginn, S.J. Byers, G.C. Cardenas, A.C. Kirby, J.R. Holt
2001 Military Sensing Symposium, Electronics Conference
270 x 436 HgCdTe FPA module for the Rosetta VIRTIS-H and -M instruments
Ken J. Ando, R. Bornfreund, C. Brazier, Roger Holcombe, Ichiro Kasai, Peter J. Love, Michael S. Smith, Alan W. Hoffman
Proc. SPIE 4131, 348 (2000)
Infrared detectors for ground-based and space-based astronomy applications
Peter J. Love, Ken J. Ando, James D. Garnett, Nancy A. Lum, Joseph P. Rosbeck, Michael S. Smith, A.W. Hoffman, K. P. Sparkman
Proc. SPIE 4008, 1254 (2000)
Spatial distributions of hole traps and image latency in InSb focal plane arrays
R.G. Benson, W.J. Forrest, J.L. Pipher, W. J. Glaccum, and S.L. Solomon
Proc. SPIE 4131, 171 (2000)
First Results from the Evaluation of a Large Format, High Background Si:As IBC Detector Array for Astronomical Spectroscopy
A.C. Glasse, J. Sylvester, D.C. Laird, A. Bridger, D.A. Pickup, L. Lawrence, A.W. Hoffman, A.D Estrada, S.L. Solomon, G. Domingo
SPIE Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Kona, HA (1998)
InSb Arrays for Ground-based and Space-based Astronomy
J.D. Garnett, S.L. Solomon, A.W. Hoffman, J.P. Rosbeck, N.A. Lum, M.S. Smith, A.D. Estrada, A.J. Tribble
SPIE Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Kona, HA (1998)
Near-IR arrays for ground-based and space-based astronomy
Alan W. Hoffman, Ken J. Ando, Arnold D. Estrada, James D. Garnett, Nancy A. Lum, Peter J. Love, Joseph P. Rosbeck, K. P. Sparkman, Albert M. Fowler, Judith L. Pipher, William J. Forrest
Proc. SPIE 3354, 24 (1998)
Si:As IBC IR focal plane arrays for ground-based and space-based astronomy
Arnold D. Estrada, George Domingo, James D. Garnett, Alan W. Hoffman, Nancy A. Lum, Peter J. Love, Steven L. Solomon, John E. Venzon, G. R. Chapman, K. P. Sparkman, Craig R. McCreight, Mark E. McKelvey, Robert E. McMurray, Jr., John A. Estrada, S. Zins, R. McHugh, R. R. Johnson
Proc. SPIE 3354, 99 (1998)
Producibility of LWIR 256x256 FPAs for LEAP
R.P. Ginn, S.L. Price, R.A. Coussa, J.M. Fulton, Y.N. Thai
1998 Detector IRIS Conference, Boston , MA
Si:As IBC Arrays for Ground-based and Space-based Astronomy
S.L. Solomon, J.D. Garnett, G.Domingo, N.A. Lum, A.D. Estrada, J.E. Venzon
SPIE Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Kona, HA, (1998)
Simultaneous Integrating Staring Two-color IR Focal Plane Array
J.T. Caulfield, J.L. Johnson, E.A. Pattten, P.M. Goetz, A.D. Estrada, S.L. Solomon, J.A. Wilson, S.M. Johnson, R.H. Wyles, R.D. Rajavel, J.E. Jensen, D.M. Jamba
1997 Detector IRIS Conference, Monterrey , CA - Best Paper of Conference Award
Track Sensor Staring Focal Plane Array Performance in the SBIRS-Low Flight Demonstration System
J. R. Holt, D. J. Gulbransen, B. J. Isker, M. J. Dahlin, G. Domingo, L. T. Pham, N. A. Lum, N. Y. Aziz, B. E. Bozovich, R. Mokhtari, W. C. Trautfield, L. E. Rogers, N. G. Lindman, J. H. DeLoo, W. D. Ritchie, P. R. Norton, and P. L. Whithers, A. Hoffman
Proc. of the 1997 Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Detectors
Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, July (1997)
Breakthrough in Performance of Strategic Low Background M/MLWIR and LWIR Staring Focal Plane Arrays for the LLUM and SMTS Programs
P. Norton, G. Cardenas, L. Pham, D. Rhiger, M. Sen, T. Tung, G. Vensor, J. Deloo, J. Holt, D. Gulbransen, and B. Isker, A. Hoffman
Proc. of the 1996 Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Detectors
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, August (1996)
High-background longwave Si:As IBC 320x240 IR focal plane array
S.L. Solomon, A.C. Tribble, N.A. Lum, J.E. Venzon, G. Domingo, A. W. Hoffman, and M.S. Smith
Proc. SPIE 2816, 161 (1996)
Status of 480 x 640 FPAs
W.A. Terre, R.P. Ginn, G.E. Speake III, S.H. Black, J.K. Chia, G.V. Garcia, S.T.A Baur
1996 Detector IRIS Conference, Seattle, WA
128 x 128 Simultaneous-Integration Two-Color FPAs
W.A. Radford, E.A. Patten, R. Wyles, R. Padgett, R.F. Herald, S.J. Tighe, B.A. Baumgratz, P.M. Goetz, E.F. Schulte, G.R. Chapman, A. Hoffman
Proc. of the 1994 Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Detectors
Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, Maryland, August (1995)
Advanced Two-Color HgCdTe FPAs
J.A. Wilson, W.A. Radford, E.A. Patten, R.F. Herald, R.F. Risser, S.J. Tighe, B.A. Baumgratz, P.M. Goetz, E.F. Schulte, A. Hoffman, G.R. Chapman
Proc. of the 1994 Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Detectors,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, August (1994)
Investigation of charge-trapping effects in InSb focal plane arrays
S.L. Solomon, J.D. Garnett, and H.Chen
Proc. SPIE 1946, 33 (1993)
Near-infrared arrays for SIRTF, the Space Infrared Telescope Facility
W.J. Forrest, H. Chen, J.D. Garnett, S.L. Solomon, and J.L. Pipher
Proc. SPIE 1946, 18 (1993)
Producibility and Performance of MWIR HgCdTe SCAs Utilizing CTIA Readout Circuits
K.L. Pettijohn, G. Orias. M.J. Hewitt. D.A. Newman, I. Kasai, B.R. Pagel, M.C. Kelley, and C.J. Fischer, A. Hoffman
Proc. of the 1989 Meeting of the IRIS Specialty Group on Infrared Detectors
Monterey, California, August (1989)
Gamma radiation response of MWIR and LWIR HgCdTe photodiodes
G.M.Williams, E.R Blazerjewski, R.P.Ginn, C.C.Li, S.J.Nelson
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol 34, p. 1592 (1987)