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PUBLICATIONS / Material Science


High Temperature Materials for Resistive Infrared Scene Projectors
Steven Solomon, Robert Ginn, Stephen Campbell, Maryam Jalali, George Goldsmith
Proc. SPIE 6208 (2006)


100mm InSb Wafer Development at RVS
Robert Ginn, Margo Olaymi, Grant Fines
2004 Military Sensing Symposium, Material Conference.


Continuing adventures in high-temperature resistive emitter physics and materials
S.L. Solomon, G.C. Goldsmith II, and M.E. Hawkins
Proc. SPIE 5408, 127 (2004)


The Anneal Behavior of Reactively Sputtered HfN Films
J. Lannon, C. Pace, S. Goodwin, S. Solomon, and P.T. Bryant
AVS 50th International Symposium, Baltimore , MD (2003)


Infrared absorption behavior in CdZnTe substrates
S. Sens, D.R. Rhiger, C.R. Curtis, M.H. Kalisher, R.P. Ginn
Journal of Electronic Materials, June (2001)


Gamma radiation response of MWIR and LWIR HgCdTe photodiodes
G.M.Williams, E.R Blazerjewski, R.P.Ginn, C.C.Li, S.J.Nelson
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol 34, p. 1592 (1987)

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